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Appendix A: Resource List

Within this appendix section, you will find a list of career resources to help you across all stages of the career hunting process.

Additional Readings / Guides​

Resume Help​

Resume Templates​

Resume Parsers​

Internship / Job Finding​

Job Posting Sites​

GitHub Internship / Job Boards (see repositories)​

Internship / Job Information​

Behavioral Interview Prep​

Technical Practice Problems​

Tech Interview Prep​

NOTE: The following resources are simulated coding interviews with interviewees that are already well-experienced in software engineering or data structures & algorithms. Most questions in these simulated interviews are above the standard for internships and new grad interviews. We recommend viewing these interviews to see how communication flows between the interviewer and interviewee while solving problems, but know that they cover more advanced topics.

System Design Prep​

Interview Practice​

  • Pramp (DS&A, PM, Behavioral, System Design, Frontend, Data Science)
  • (Paid; DS&A, System Design, Behavioral)

CS Discords​


Useful Courses​
